The relationship with animals is a relationship based on contact. For this reason, massage is a fundamental part to establish a special feeling with your four-legged friend, in addition to providing well-being it can be an excellent solution to prevent health problems. From today the solution is massage gun.
Dog Massage
The dog massage It is first of all a form of non-verbal communication between the dog and the owner, and serves to establish contact between the two, encouraging mutual understanding.
After getting comfortable we begin to massage using the palm of the hand when we have to follow the direction of the hair.
Certainly for thearthritis dog massage And a healthy touch, since it is one of the most common problems and prevention is essential.
It is preferable to start from the base of the skull which as in humans, It is one of the favourite areas for massages, and then continue following the course of the spine, without ever stopping, up to the tail, unless the dog is jealous of it.
We then move on to the ribs, which must be massaged carefully, with increasingly firm pressure, then you have to get to the belly which is, like the tail, an area of the body that dogs can be jealous so in this case it is best to adapt to the situation, avoiding touching it if it is not appreciated by our faithful friend.
We absolutely must not move randomly, but always follow the connected areas, one after the other. After the withers it is good to continue down towards the legs and then go back up again.
While practicing massage, it is important to observe our dog's reactions to understand which areas he likes to be massaged the most and which are the ones where he doesn't like contact. These are the necessary cares for a good massage. Dog or cat.
Cat massage
Massaging a cat is an experience relaxing and anti-stress not only for the lucky feline, but also for his owner. The cat massage It is definitely a positive experience for both owner and cat.
The sensation of stroking his soft fur, listening to his purr and watching him bask in our attention is a real pleasure for our senses. So it's worth learning a few tricks to reduce his stress.
To massage your cat you need to choose the right moment, when both of you are relaxed. It is preferable avoid the times before and after meals. Especially if you want to practice a cat abdominal massage.
The principles for massaging a cat are similar to those of humans: the movement of the hand should be slow and fluid, like a well-placed caress.
We massage with the whole hand, not just using the fingers and starting from the parts of the body where the cat prefers to be petted. cat massage It's a sensory experience: you can talk to your pet with a low tone of voice and relaxing, which will help him relax his muscles.
If you notice that the cat is bothered by a particular movement, try changing it or changing an area of the body and observe its reactions.
Massage gun
After having seen all the precautions to be able to massage our four-legged friends, let's now move on to understanding the beneficial effects of massage gun on them.
There percussive therapy, in fact, can give animals the same benefits that it gives to people. In fact, the compatibility of the massage gun with animals is absolutely an innovative discovery.
Thanks to percussive therapy, animals benefit from the protection and improvement of tissue functionality. In addition, there is a reduction in muscle tension and prevention of cramps, which is especially important for preventing arthritis in dogs. The large blood flow to the application area with a consequent increase in the supply of oxygen and nutrients and removal of waste substances, generate a great sense of well-being in the animal. Finally, the perception of relaxation of the percussive massage will give a good mood to your dog, cat or horse.
TopMet thinks about your health and that of your four-legged friend. There is no limit to well-being and TopMet makes it within reach.