Erroneously known as "cervical", a more correct term could be "neck pain"; however, this is a pure subtlety: the term "cervical" is understood as pain around the neck is now it's part of everyday vocabulary, which is accepted and explanatory.
The cervical is a pain in the posterior region of the cervical spine and it is one of the most widespread pathologies. The upper vertebrae are involved, that is, the vertebrae that represent the support of the neck and head. Specifically, this musculoskeletal disorder affects the cervical spine, or the C1-C7 vertebrae.
The causes of cervical pain can be multiple and very different from each other.
Untrained and poorly toned muscles do not adequately support the spine and therefore also the cervical vertebrae. Constant neck exercises can help keep the muscles toned and prevent cervical disorders.
The position we assume when we are sitting at a desk, at the table, or even when walking, can be the cause of pain in the cervical tract. External factors also influence our posture, such as the structures on which we sit or rest (chairs, beds, sofas).
An accident at work, whiplash, cold shock, joint trauma and carrying heavy objects can cause problems in the cervical area, both in the bone and muscle structures.
It is a degenerative disorder that worsens with age: the cartilage of the intervertebral discs wears out and the vertebrae come closer together, resulting in compression and crushing of the spine.
Cervical problems can also be caused by dental problems: when there is malocclusion, for example, that is, the support of the teeth when the mouth is closed is not correct and there is a lack of balance in our mouth, the jaw and jaw muscles are affected, with pain that radiates to the cervical tract.
- Stress.
Even excessive psychophysical stress, particularly widespread nowadays in Italy, linked to periods of work that are too intense or to family situations of emotional tension, can have repercussions on the cervical spine, giving rise to problems of cervicalgia characterised by pain and muscle contractures.
Cervical: symptoms
Neck pain is often associated with symptoms such as headache, stiff neck and/or neck stiffness.
In some specific cases, it is also possible to observe them in combination with neurological disorders, such as:
- Radicular pain felt along the shoulder and the arm;
- Radiculopathy cervical with altered reflexes, tingling, numbness and lack of Force at the level of upper limb;
- Loss of control of bowel and/or bladder function (incontinence intestinal and bladder incontinence);
- Radicular pain and neurological disorders (tingling, numbness, etc.) to both limbs, upper or lower;
- Balance and coordination problems.
Neck Pain: Treatments and Remedies
The most suitable treatment for pain cervical varies in base two factors: the cause of the disorder and the severity of the symptoms.
The most forms light Of cervical they can resolve spontaneously or thanks to the implementation of simple measures, within days or weeks.
The more complex forms, on the contrary, need a targeted treatment plan, which may include physical therapy, the use of a brace, the use of painkillers, infiltration therapy, and sometimes even surgery.
Neck massage gun
Percussive therapy is an excellent method of prevention and home remedy for those who suffer from neck pain.
In fact, having a massage gun at home helps to relieve muscle pain and to "loosen" muscle contractures and classic cervical stiffness of the neck.
A neck massage gun can help address the problem, both through the action of percussion therapy and stimulates circulation bringing various benefits to the area, both because it is precisely the direct effect of this type of electric massager that releases some self-regulating substances into our body that are able to produce an invigorating effect and combat daily stress.
The innovative TopMet products are capable, even with a session of a few minutes, of reducing the annoying pain that accumulates on parts of the body very delicate and sensitive due to a bad posture or because of theanxiety and of the stress.
With a simple and intuitive device you can get rid of neck pain and get back to living. The massage gun is the tool you were looking for to fight this pathology.