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False Cellulite: how to recognize it to find the best treatment


What is false cellulite and what does it look like:

Yes  manifests with  a loss of tone and with  the classic orange peel effect, which is why it is often confused, but it is linked to different factors than cellulite.

Usually  the cause is constituted by prolonged stress,  what causes  the contraction of the muscles of the inner thighs which in turn favors the onset of blemishes.

There false cellulite It is also linked to the sliding of the skin and subcutaneous tissues downwards, especially for  some areas such as the buttocks, inner thighs and arms.

This phenomenon is  generates as a rule  after 40 years, like normal age-related consequence, but it can also appear as a reaction to weight loss too sudden and related to several excess pounds.

Other factors that can cause tissue slippage and consequent loss of tone , I am a sedentary routine, postural alterations and incorrect medical treatments.

For this reason, false cellulite is a widespread problem, which can actually affect many young women, from thirty years of age and up.

False cellulite: remedies


Trite but true,  the first real one False cellulite remedy is represented by the restoration of muscle tone. So, first of all, physical exercise is essential. A healthy diet and some physical activity will help you eliminate false cellulite.

In addition to this, it is possible to resort to treatments that accelerate the physiological process of skin regeneration and firming, such as Biodermogenesis.

Last but not least, there is the percussive therapy, which you will discover to be a trusted ally against false cellulite. In fact, the Stimulation of blood flow is one of the strong points of the percussion therapy. As for the lipedema, the intense pulsations of the massage guns cause an increase in blood flow with effects on the circulatory system and adipose tissue. By working on the vascular factor, a fundamental point in the onset of cellulite and false cellulite.