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Sleep quality: how percussive therapy can improve it

Qualità del sonno: come la terapia percussiva può migliorarla

It is said that every person spends at least a quarter of his life sleeping. This gives an idea of ​​how much the sleep and the quality of the same are fundamental. In fact, a correct rest improves our cognitive abilities, the our immunological expertise, cardiovascular protection and much more. How to improve sleepWithTopMet the solution is at your fingertips.

Sleep quality

Scientific studies demonstrate  that sleep not only serves to restore the body after a long day, but also has a cognitive processing function. Therefore, knowing how to rest properly is important.

The sleep It is divided into two major stages: the NREM phase and the REM phase. Each has different purposes, but both are important. The NREM phase is the phase that precedes deep sleep, that is, the phase of wakefulness and preparation for actual fact,  triggers a mental activity that can also be considered preparatory to the activity that emerges in REM sleep. In this last phase, mental functions are represented by dream processes that therefore pose the problem of the functions of the dream. We can therefore affirm that Sleep as a biological moment is also a function of the dream as a mental process.

The phase  REM, on the other hand, may have a specialized function for the right hemisphere to process information. REM sleep also has a reset function for the information recording system. This function would have the task of erasing irrelevant information accumulated during wakefulness and preparing the brain for the arrival of new information.

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders are countless with different symptoms and causes. Certainly among the sleep disorders the most frequent is insomnia, most people have experienced it, in acute or milder version. But it is not the only sleep disorder that we can encounter, in fact there are many variants:

  • Insomnia, a sleep disorder characterized by the inability to sleep despite the body having a real physiological need for it. This is associated with poor daytime functioning, with symptoms such as tiredness,  irritability, difficulty of  learning, failure to consolidate the  memory.
  • Hypersomnia, THE'hypersomnia It is a diagnosis that groups together numerous  sleep disorders characterized by excessive daytime sleepinessThe hypersomnia patient is unable to remain alert throughout the day: in fact, he may encounter situations of sudden sleep from which he cannot escape.
  • Circadian rhythm disorders, I am a class of  dyssomnia which involve the alteration of the sleep-wake cycle. Those who suffer from these disorders often cannot pursue appropriate sleep rhythms to live an adequate social life, to work or to study.
  • Parasomnias, represent a heterogeneous group  Of  sleep disorders. These are characterized by  abnormal behaviors  or  physiological events  unusual that occur while sleeping. The best known parasomnia is sleepwalking.

How to improve sleep

So how can we help our regular sleep-wake cycle? Certainly a healthy life and  correct helps the regularization of the sleep, but what else can you do? From today you can benefit from the countless advantages that the massage gun has on the quality of sleep. Percussive therapy, in fact, also acts on the quality of sleep.

Thanks to its ability to relax muscles and its ability to increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients and removal of waste substances from the blood circulation, the massage gun is the ideal solution for sleep well.

TopMet offers you the method for sleeping quality.