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How to combat cellulite effectively.

Come eliminare la cellulite, la pistola massaggiante è la risposta

There cellulite is the number one enemy for women of all ages. There are many methods to combat the unsightly appearance of cellulite, but not all of them lead to results. So how to fight cellulite? From today the answer is massage gun.

What is cellulite?

There cellulite it's a blemish which occurs in 90% of cases in women, regardless of age and physical fitness.  Cellulite appears with some symptoms,  the famous one “orange peel skin”, that is, dimples  irregular  especially on the hips, thighs, buttocks, abdomen and knees. The cellulite It is a pathology caused by pathological processes that affect the adipose tissue, the circulatory system  and the skin on the surface. In the subcutaneous tissue, an imbalance of adipose tissue occurs: the fat cells swell and, by pressing on the microcirculation, cause water retention and inflammation.

Cellulite: causes

There cellulite There are various factors that contribute to its appearance and they are among the most varied:

  • Genetic factors
  • Hormonal factors: Inadequate estrogen activity leading to water retention;
  • Vascular factors: a stasis of the blood circulation that favors;
  • Stress
  • bad eating and behavioral habits: diet rich in fats and sugars, alcohol abuse, unsuitable shoes

How to eliminate cellulite


So, how to remove cellulite? In addition to all the natural and non-natural remedies that we can find to combat the unsightly appearance of cellulite, the only answer is percussive therapy.

In fact, equipping yourself with a massage gun allows you to perform at home and without any effort very deep massages that stimulate circulation and blood flow. An excellent answer to fight cellulite.

Stimulation of blood flow is one of the strengths of the percussion therapy. As for the lipedema, the intense pulsations of the massage guns cause an increase in blood flow with effects on the circulatory system and adipose tissue. Working on the vascular factor, a fundamental point in the onset of cellulite.

Deep massage: With massage guns, you can effortlessly perform much more intense and deep massages than those performed manually. In this way, you treat excess adipose tissue.

Detoxifying and draining: The pulsations of the massage guns stimulate the lymphatic system, causing the expulsion of toxins and the drainage of excess fluids. Fighting water retention, typical of cellulite.

TopMet offers you the possibility to fight cellulite with a simple and intuitive device. The massage gun is the tool you were looking for to fight fat and adipose tissue.