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Muscle strength: how to develop it?

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Definition of Muscle Strength

Strength is the ability of skeletal muscle to produce tension in various manifestations.  Cit. Verchosanskij

Muscle strength is divided into:

  • MAXIMUM STRENGTH: it is the highest force that the neuromuscular system is able to express with a voluntary contraction.
  • RAPID FORCE: is the ability of the neuromuscular system to overcome resistance with high  speed  of contraction.
  • RESISTANT FORCE: It is the body's ability to resist fatigue during strength performances over time.

The various expressions of strength previously mentioned:  maximum strength, explosive strength,  resistance to force  explosive and muscular endurance can be classified according to biological principlesThese expressions can be classified by taking into account both the neuromuscular aspects, which serve to modulate tension, and the metabolic aspects which determine its duration.

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Therefore, the  maximum force  and the explosive force are characterized by neurogenic factors, while explosive strength endurance and muscular endurance are characterized by metabolic factors. Force, speed, resistence these are the conditions without exception to achieve performance of  successThe dominant ability is that conditional ability to which a motor performance requires a higher contribution.

Most physical activities require optimal performance of at least two of the three qualities listed. The development of one of the three conditional abilities must take place in a methodical manner., since it directly or indirectly affects the others. Strength is a fundamental ability that must however be trained together with the others so as not to become counterproductive.

Of the three types of force classified by Harre Maximum strength is the first to be trained. Once this quality is improved then it can be transformed into other types of strength with adequate training. maximum strength it could therefore become explosive, resistant or it could transform into hypertrophy.

The improvement of the maximum force It occurs first with adaptations and modifications at the level of the nervous system and then with morphological transformations that will lead to hypertrophy.

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Given the premises it is clear that, total or partial, The muscle recovery is at the base of the supercompensation. It has the same importance as the training stimulus and must be carefully considered. Those who train to exhaustion will need  recoveries  major, lasting an entire microcycle on the single muscle group, while in the case of training in  buffer  rest is calculated based on the extent of the  stress  past and future, but also of the micro or mesocycle objective.

Here it is percussive therapy comes to our rescue once again. In fact, among the cutting-edge therapies, this is certainly considered the best for treating the muscle during the rest phase, to be able to work in total safety on strength and increase one's performance.